The Master’s in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development prepares individuals for leadership roles in creativity and gifted education as classroom or resource teachers providing direct services to gifted students, gifted education program coordinators, curriculum development specialists, and regional or state gifted education agency directors. The program of study includes coursework on strategies and program models for developing student talent and field experiences in school settings. Students complete a combination of online and summer classes.
The courses deal with many aspects of gifted education, and students are encouraged to pursue topics of individual interests as they produce course projects or related readings. The program emphasizes the following:
- Professional growth and development through a cohort program comprised of high-energy, dedicated educators from national and international locations.
- Attendance at the UConn/Storrs campus for 2 weeks for two summers (virtual in 2021 due to COVID-19).
- Attendance at Confratute, a summer conference/institute on the UConn/Storrs campus for 1 week (virtual in 2021 due to COVID-19).
- Interactive, web-based, online courses during fall and spring semesters.
- Professional development opportunities linked to school-based issues and concerns.
- Strategy-based courses that apply high-end learning techniques to school improvement initiatives.
- Continuous faculty-student communication, advisement, and mentoring via on-site conferences and e-mail correspondence.
- Separate on-campus summer housing supporting collegiality and professional growth in a family atmosphere.
Students complete four courses online (EPSY 5710: Introduction to Gifted Education and Talent Development; EPSY 5740: Strategies for Differentiating the Grade Level Curriculum; 5760: Improving Students’ Thinking Skills; and EPSY 5780: Social and Emotional Components of Giftedness and Talent Development), four courses on campus over two summers (Odd numbered summers –> EPSY 5720: Developing Schoolwide Enrichment Programs and EPSY 5601: Principles and Methods in Educational Research; Even numbered summers –> EPSY 5750: Enhancing Creativity in the Classroom and EPSY 5194: Seminar on Gifted Education), attend one Confratute (EPSY 5195 or 5198) for credit, and complete a practicum (EPSY 5092).
The summer residency portion is offered two consecutive summers on the Storrs UConn campus. For two weeks each of the two summers, students enroll in two required courses. Students stay an additional week (summer of their choice) to attend Confratute and enroll in EPSY 5195 or 5198 for credit. Students may apply previously earned Confratute credit toward the degree provided it was earned within 6 years of their anticipated graduation from the program. During the fall and spring, students enroll in required online courses. Practicum is taken independently. The degree is completed in slightly over two years. We recommend students start the program in the fall with EPSY 5710 online; however, student may start the program at any semester: fall, spring, or summer. Once students are accepted in the program and begin taking classes, they must register for a class every fall and spring semester to remain in the program until they graduate. If a student does not have a class during those semesters, they must register and pay for GRAD 5998 Continuous Reg (Master’s).
- EPSY 5710 (online, fall semester)
- EPSY 5720 (campus, summer semester odd years)
- EPSY 5740 (online, spring semester)
- EPSY 5750 (campus, summer semester even years)
- EPSY 5760 (online, fall semester)
- EPSY 5780 (online, spring semester)
- EPSY 5601 (campus, summer semester odd years)
- EPSY 5092 (independent study practicum)
- EPSY 5194 (campus, summer semester even years)
- EPSY 5195 or 5198 (Confratute for credit, summer)
Students complete two comprehensive exams as part of their Master’s work. Nirvana is a simulation, case-based experience used to document students’ understanding of how to implement the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. Students may apply to complete the simulation after successfully completing EPSY 5720 and EPSY 5092. Students have 90 days to complete the simulation, which involves responding to a series of memos that are based on actual events educators affiliated with SEM programs have experienced. Students should email when they wish to start Nirvana. At the end of their second year summer on campus, students also complete SuperComp, a computer generated exam that covers the content of the four online courses and four summer campus courses. Faculty in the program conduct study sessions during the second-year summer session to help prepare students for the exam, which is proctored using a computer testing program. The faculty also provide students with a study guide that lists the topics covered on SuperComp.
- Dr. Del Siegle (serves as students’ major advisor)
- Dr. James Kaufman (serves as students’ associate advisor)
- Dr. Catherine A. Little (generally serves as students’ associate advisor)
Dr. Del Siegle
Telephone: 860-486-0616