We recommend students start the program fall semester; however, students may start the program any semester.
EPSY 5710—Introduction to Gifted Education and Talent Development
In this course students will discuss the evolution of gifted education, identify major contributors and their contributions to the field of gifted education, identify major theories of intelligence and explain their relevance to gifted education, compare and contrast perspectives of giftedness, describe characteristics of gifted students and the implications for academic instruction, evaluate identification procedures and their impact on under served populations of gifted learners, discuss programming options for highly able learners, and analyze and critique curriculum models for gifted education. The course is taught online during fall semester. Current instructors: Talbot Hook / Dr. Del Siegle.
EPSY 5720—Developing Schoolwide Enrichment Programs
This course is designed for classroom teachers, enrichment specialists, gifted education coordinators, and administrators. Participants will review the research and history regarding talent development and gifted education. The course will focus on the philosophy and work of Joseph Renzulli and his conception of giftedness as creative productivity. His model and framework for talent development and curriculum modification and differentiation will be explored in depth. Participants will spend the majority of their time learning how to implement a classroom-based or school-based enrichment and talent development program. The course is taught on campus during odd numbered summers. Current instructor: Dr. Laurel Brandon
EPSY 5740—Strategies for Differentiating the Grade Level Curriculum
This course will outline instructional and managerial techniques used to address the individual learning needs, strengths, styles, and preferences of students in a classroom. Emphasis will be placed on differentiation strategies that improve student achievement through the use of instructional strategies targeting large groups, small groups, and individuals. Historical and current practices will be explored, with review of relevant research. This is an interactive, discussion-based course, including extensive online sharing of perspectives, responses to readings, and activities, and projects. This course is taught online in the spring semester (starting 2026). Current instructor: Dr. Catherine A. Little
EPSY 5750—Enhancing Creativity in the Classroom
The major purpose of this course is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of creativity—what is creativity, how do we develop it in ourselves and in our students. The course is an overview of major definitions, theories, and research related to the study of creativity and the creative individual. Class members will learn techniques for stimulating creative thinking as well as strategies for adapting existing curricula to develop creative thinking abilities in students. Topics also include the assessment of creative thinking, methods for enhancing personal creative abilities, and techniques for examining the creative process. This course is taught on campus during even numbered summers. Current instructor: Dr. James C. Kaufman
EPSY 5760—Improving Students’ Thinking Skills
Whether in professional careers or in daily life, contemporary society is increasingly in need of individuals proficient at problem solving skills, critical reasoning, creativity, and analysis. Because society needs citizens with these skills, as educators it is our responsibility to nurture and develop these capabilities in our students. Prepare to be both role models of such thinking and developers of such skills in students. This course is taught online fall semester (starting fall 2025). Fall 2025 instructor: Dr. Deborah Burns
EPSY 5780—Social and Emotional Components of Giftedness and Talent Development
This course explores current research and material relevant to the social and emotional issues that may arise for some gifted and talented students. Some topics include perfectionism, hyper-sensitivities, gender issues, underachievement, and special populations. The extent to which gifted and talented students have unique social and emotional needs is not universally agreed upon. Therefore, it is expected that students will hold a variety of perceptions on this topic. Through reading of the current research, thoughtful discussions, and practical projects students develop a deeper understanding of social and emotional issues that students with gifts and talents experience. This course is taught online spring semester (starting 2026).
EPSY 5601—Principles and Methods in Educational Research
This is an introductory course designed to help graduate students understand and evaluate the educational research literature. Through participation in the course, class members will learn the basic concepts and procedures used for conducting educational research. The course is intended to help graduate students become better consumers of research; this course is not designed to prepare students to conduct research. This course if taught on campus during odd numbered summers. Current instructor: Dr. Del Siegle
EPSY 5194—Seminar
Gifted seminar is one of the capstone courses of the master’s degree program. It provides the opportunity to explore a variety of conceptions of giftedness and further develop one’s own professional identity, including leadership and advocacy roles.
Like a traditional seminar, this course depends on active participation by all students. The instructor will select readings and pose guiding questions for the class to consider. You are expected to read deeply, consider the questions posed, reflect upon your own reactions to the readings as well as how the readings pertain to your professional experience, and contribute to a scholarly discussion that will push everyone toward greater understanding. There are also a few assignments designed to assist you to develop your own professional philosophies (and to study for SuperComp). This course is taught on campus during even numbered summers. Current instructor: Dr. Del Siegle.
EPSY 5092: Practicum
This implementation project has been designed as a vehicle for ensuring that all students in the program have mastered the teaching and administrative competencies necessary for implementing a successful SEM Program. Although students are required to be familiar with a variety of programming options in talent development, it is felt that those graduating from our program should have a thorough familiarity with the model and philosophy of the system developed here. Students enroll in EPSY 5092: Practicum after completing EPSY 5720: Developing Schoolwide Enrichment Programs. This course is completed as a guided independent study. Current instructor: Mary Sullivan
EPSY 5195 or 5198: Confratute for Credit
While attending Confratute, students select one strand for credit. Students register, pay for the credit, and work with the strand coordinator to design a project related to the strand that the strand coordinator will evaluate for a grade. Student usually complete their projects after Confratute and send them to their strand coordinators for evaluation.