We are offering three courses this summer. Del Siegle will be teaching EPSY 5601 Section 001 (Principle and Methods in Educational Research) and Laurel Brandon will be teaching EPSY 5720 Section 001 (Developing Schoolwide Enrichment Programs) on campus from June 30 to July 11. Educational Research will be in the morning (8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) and Schoolwide Enrichment Model will be in the afternoon (1:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.). We only offer EPSY 5601 and EPSY 5720 every other summer (odd numbered summers), so you should enroll in them this summer to stay on schedule if you need these courses.
Catherine Little is teaching EPSY 5740 Section 001 (Strategies for Differentiating the Grade Level Curriculum) online asynchronously from June 2 to July 18. In the future, EPSY 5740 will only be offered spring semester, so you have some flexibility and can take it spring 2026 instead of this summer if you wish.
You register for classes at studentadmin.uconn.edu. The course payment schedule for our summer classes falls within the first summer session, so registration and payment for your summer classes are due May 10. Contact del.siegle@uconn.edu if you need a permission number to register for a summer courses.
You do not need to purchase a book for EPSY 5601 (Educational Research).
You will need to purchase two books for EPSY 5720 (Schoolwide Enrichment Model): To be named
You will need to purchase two books for EPSY 5740 (Differentiation): Wormeli, R. (2018). Fair isn’t always equal: Assessing and grading in the differentiated classroom (2nd ed.). Stenhouse and one additional to be named
You should plan to be on campus Sunday, June 29, 2025, in the late afternoon (4:30 p.m.) and early evening for an orientation meeting. Some of you may elect to stay in the dorm for the two weeks of classes. Stephanie Huntington (stephanie.huntington@uconn.edu) will send you information about staying in the dorm.
We will hold study sessions for the comprehensive exam during lunch for those taking it this summer. You will take the comprehensive exam on Saturday morning, July 12 if you are finishing this year.
We will have a free banquet for all of our summer students and a guest on Saturday, July 12, starting at 6 p.m. in the Alumni Center. We hope all of you can attend.
Confratute this year is on campus (July 13-17), which is the week after our classes finish. If you need Confratute for credit, you will want to register for Confratute and Confratute credit. Stephanie Huntington will send Information about Confratute later. Master’s and Sixth Year students receive a discount for campus Confratute registration.